A boo boo – just for a change

April 6, 2012

I know you won’t believe this – but I made a mistake.
I know, right!!!

Although I sourced the totally deliciously looking Oreo Bunny Truffles
from Key Lime, the original idea and post
came from Jesseca at One Sweet Appetitte.

And . . . .

. . . . instead of chucking a tanty – she just pinged me.

So, I have changed the link on the original post,
however I have obviously linked you up in this one too.

Have fun cooking and creating on Saturday everyone,
ready for a scrummy Sunday!


Happy Easter

Easter Craft #2 – Some inspiration

April 5, 2012


Here is my completed wreath for you.
I added some succulents to finish it off.

I’m fairly pleased with how it turned out.

However, as my wreath had nothing yummy attached to it, I thought it appropriate to link some love that included delicious treats.

Scroll down if you are brave
. . . and click on the Turquoise links

Cheesecake filled Eggs from Raspberry Cupcakes

Oreo Bunny Truffles from One Sweet Appetitte

Spotty Bunny Vintage Image from Graphics Fairy

Easter Egg Cake Pops by Lillys & Lollipops

23 Egg Decorating Ideas at Tattertots & Jello

If I find any more cool ones, I will list them later today.

Happy Easter peeps.

Love to you all,
& travel safely on the roads please.

Easter Craft #1 . . . . Wreath

April 2, 2012

I love wreaths.

In Australia they only come out for Christmas, but I love them so much that I am going to start putting them up at other times of the year.

So for Easter I thought I better make an easy peasey one,
so that I actually finish it!

Ha! (I know myself well!)


* Wreath of any description (I bought mine at a gift shop for $14)
* Polystyrene eggs (I bought three packets for $7)
* Skewers
* Wide mouth jar
* Acrylic paint
* Paint brush
* Hot glue gun or white glue
* Wire or ribbon (for hanging)

Tools and Materials


Pile your eggs next to a paint colour tube so that you are happy with colour division

Choosing your colours

Working with one colour at a time firmly push a skewer into each egg

Skewer Time

Paint each egg, giving a thicker than normal coat

Having a skewer to hold a wet, slippery & elliptical object is very handy

Place the skewer in the jar to allow the egg to dry

Drying time with no streaks or mess

Move onto the next colour

*each egg will need at least 2 coats of paint,
although lighter colours may need 3

Arrange eggs onto the wreath

Take a photo with your phone or camera, so that you can refer to it when you start glueing.

Taking a photo seems obvious, but I forget to do it ALL the time :(

Remove all the eggs and then attach them (using your photo as guide) with hot glue gun or white glue (I use Helmar Tiger glue). Use the glue you are most confident with.

Put adhesive on eggs as well as the wreath for good contact

Attach a bow or little wire hook to the back of your wreath – and you’re done!


I know it’s not Easter, however . . .

September 25, 2011

. . . how totally awesome is this idea? I think I have to construct a plausible reason to make them. NOW!

Easter Cupcakes

Print the instructions






Easter Cupcakes Baked in Real Egg Shells